Posts by icaro • 61 points
3 posts
viewsQ: SQL query to know the sales of a period (year), dividing by month and showing the total of each month and year
I work as a technical support in an automation system, a customer asked if there was a report in the system that showed the total sales of 2018 divided by month and showing the total of each month…
viewsQ: Error in running Function SQL Server
I have a database proof today and I’m practicing functions with old exercises only I’m getting an error when I run the function. tables set language brazilian; CREATE TABLE pedido ( nr_pedido…
viewsQ: Error with Insert in SQL Server: The Conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value
Next I have to do a survey and implement a query in the database using Merge and I have to do it using one of the scripts used in class. The problem is that when I run the script the following error…