Posts by Renato Damazio • 9 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Update Textbox data on different . ascx components, but on the same page . aspx
Once again in need of your help! Next, I have a page CadastroProposta.aspx, 2 custom components are loaded inside this page, DadosPagamento.ascx and DadosCobranca.ascx. In the component…
viewsQ: ORACLE displaying date field with 1 more day at the end of the months with 31 days
I created a function in ORACLE to calculate the date of the last installment by passing as parameter the number of installments and using the function ADD_MONTHS(DT_PRIM_PARCELA, INSTALLMENTS).…
viewsQ: Problem generating PDF with mPDF in hosting
The following is, I installed mPDF via Composer to develop the localhost project (on the PC). Everything works normally on the machine. I uploaded the VENDOR folder to the hosting, but it’s not…