Posts by Guilherme Ramos • 55 points
7 posts
viewsQ: How can I separate a button and a text field into components - React JS
I’m starting with ReactJS and I decided to separate some parts into components, a <botao /> and a field to write. The application you are creating is simple, is a field to write with two…
reactasked Guilherme Ramos 55 -
viewsQ: AUTOCOMPLETE jquery ui
You guys, all right? I made a script in jQuery ui that uses Autocomplete in a search bar, the code works but when select appears with the options my header is over, what can be? Thank you //JQUERY…
viewsQ: Parking system
I decided to create a project in pure Javascript without database, very simple even to study. This system registers cars in a parking lot, even then beauty, but I want the home page " Company owner…
javascriptasked Guilherme Ramos 55 -
viewsQ: Check if given a value there are two values in the vector that summed are equal to the reported value
I’m making a game in which the user has a menu with options and the option I’ve crossed is the following, I do the normal loop and compare the values but it falls right into the ELSE, where I’m…
javaasked Guilherme Ramos 55 -
viewsQ: Doubt - Java algorithm
I’m trying to solve a java algorithm that looks like this. Write a program to print the following: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 0…
javaasked Guilherme Ramos 55 -
viewsQ: Search repeated numbers in list with Visualg
Write a program that receives 100 numbers typed by the user. At the end the program displays how many numbers are reported equal to the last number typed. As far as I can go: algoritmo "semnome" //…
viewsQ: SQL server 2014 installation error
Good evening guys! I am trying to install sql server 2014 express, but at the time of installation the following errors happen, what might be? Thank you LOG The error log is this. I’m sorry if you…
sql-serverasked Guilherme Ramos 55