Posts by Alison Soldado • 9 points
3 posts
viewsA: How to pick an item from a list and move with your finger to another position on Android?
Here’s an example.. Just implement the files there in the helper in your application and a few things in Adapter.. but it’s quiet. If you have any questions just ask
viewsQ: How to pick an item from a list and move with your finger to another position on Android?
I have a list and would like to move her first item to the last position dragging with your finger, someone could give some suggestion on how to do this on Android?
viewsQ: How to prevent onItemSelected from being called when using setSelection?
I have a ListView and within each item of it carries a Spinner with some information. The way I want it to work (Expectation): The first time you load the Activity, present to the user a list and…