Posts by Jean Bragantin • 53 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Font rendering on Mac makes the font "Regular" look like "Bold"
I have a font rendering problem on my Mac. The font is "Regular" size and renders right in windows, however, on Mac the same font looks like "Bold". Windows is Seven and MAC is Yosemite. I’m using…
viewsQ: Make a group of lines remain compressed when opening and closing Sublime
I have a small problem in Sublime Text 2, it has an option on the left side in which I can compress an entire DIV in just 2 lines Making it easier when you have many lines, the problem that when I…
sublime-text-2asked Jean Bragantin 53 -
viewsA: How can I manipulate a PSD file to get the position of the layers?
There is a possibility to extract the CSS from a Native Illustrator CC file (Last Version of the Software to date) including it serves for other project elements such as buttons, banners etc. How to…