Posts by Claudio Souza • 37 points
3 posts
viewsQ: When sharing the link through the app does not load either photo or text in the iPhone version. Android works perfect
Hello, I have an app developed in Flutter. It has a list of news that the user can share. I’m using the Dart Packages share plugin. On android the sharing is working perfectly, I pass the link of…
viewsA: Asynctask causes a fatal error while executing the Ackground() method
Guys, find the error. There was a library that I referenced to, but the jar file wasn’t in the bin folder. Ai when the project was compiled the library was not packaged in apk. Dai gave the error.…
viewsQ: Asynctask causes a fatal error while executing the Ackground() method
The code does not present any error, but when I run it stops and presents a Fatal error at runtime in the Asyncloadxmlfeed class extending from Asynctask. follows the class code Asyncloadxmlfeed…