Posts by guilherme luis • 1 point
3 posts
viewsQ: how to load database data on jsp jstl screen
ola have a jsp and jstl screen on the java system, on this screen loads database data by select, screen codico: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"…
viewsA: select a column in specific or sort table by id, Postgresql JSP and JSTL
well after looking a little in the documentation I figured out what to do, before just let me talk about the codico, realize that in the dao in the recording and update method ta commented the part…
viewsQ: select a column in specific or sort table by id, Postgresql JSP and JSTL
Well I have a project with Postgresql, JSP, JSTL and SERVLETS, where on a screen I have a place that updates a product and another place that shows the table of products, the problem is that I do…