Posts by Bruno Teixeira • 11 points
3 posts
viewsA: Check if time interval is within another range
In this case, you must return true only if it arrives before or at the start time and leaves at the end time or after. In this case, the work input must be less than or equal to the standard input.…
viewsA: I can’t change the icon and text inside a button
Instead of using remove and add, use toggle, it switches between active and disabled. That’s exactly what you’re looking for. On the first click active and the second deactivates, the third click…
viewsQ: How to create random variables in normal distribution with mean and standard deviation in Javascript?
I have a problem creating a variable with normal distribution in JS, I know the option math.random() is limited and that the chance of each value between 0 and 1 is equal (rectangular distribution),…