Posts by Augusto Santos • 5 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Duplicate column of a table for itself by changing only the ID
Good morning everyone, I have a doubt and I found nothing similar that can help me, I need to create a copy and put function or duplicate everything this information and generates a new ID keeping…
viewsQ: Table editing in PHP
Hello, I have a problem in my code that I did not find the problem. I am trying to edit a table information, but it keeps generating the error below, if anyone can help I will be immensely grateful.…
phpasked Augusto Santos 5 -
viewsQ: Data editing in PHP
Hello, I have a problem in my code that I did not find the problem. When trying to edit the ID 1750 it runs but saved in ID 0, I wonder if my code has any error in this sense, why by clicking edit…