Posts by Josué Mendonça • 7 points
3 posts
viewsQ: When uploading files using Bootstrap do I need to upload all files related to Bootstrap?
I have a question related to uploading files using the Bootstrap framework! I found very heavy the folder of the site with a single page, so the question is I need to upload all bootstrap files or I…
viewsQ: How do I switch accounts in git?
I’m learning to use git, my brother was programming with the computer I’m on now and had his github account in git but I committed some files and I can’t tell if it went to his account! Then I gave…
gitasked Josué Mendonça 7 -
viewsQ: Is it possible to use display block and flex together?
I recently saw an Indian make a navigation menu using HTML,CSS,JS but what intrigued me was he used display: block and display: flex in the same element. Maybe he made a mistake because until then I…
cssasked Josué Mendonça 7