Posts by Gabriel Galdino • 3 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Do we have a function that returns memory space allocated to the local variable in Java?
Dear people, because I am a layman I believe it may be a question outside the scope but the idea of the question is: a declared variable will always be in a space allocated in memory, will this…
javaasked Gabriel Galdino 3 -
viewsA: Manual String Breaking in JAVA
The logic for treatment is: If the counter reads a blank space it has two alternatives, it is either the word searched or not. So after checking the two will return the mounting variable to zero. If…
viewsQ: Manual String Breaking in JAVA
Gentlemen, I am trying to do a routine that receives a certain text and a word from the user, after checking if within the text there is a word equal to what was requested. My attempt was to…