Posts by Luiz Notari • 11 points
3 posts
viewsQ: How to generate html dynamically from Vuejs?
Would you like to know if Vuejs generates HTML dynamically from a certain result? For example result of a v-if: aquivo: index.Vue <template> .... </template> <script> export…
vue.jsasked Luiz Notari 11 -
viewsQ: How to join three or more CSV files with something like PROCV and concatenating certain columns
Arquivo1.csv Codigo Nome Catego Geral Model Ano A1 JOGO LAMA FZ25-A|YS250|FA250AB 44CF 2017 A2 EMBLE LAMA FZ25-A|YS250|FA250AB 44CF 2017 A3 TUBO ADMI FZ25-A|YS250|FA250AB 44CF 2017 A4 PRESI ADMI…
viewsQ: Filter column value and extract from these rows in another column the value and write to a new column
I need some help, I’m getting laid. I have the title as shown in the table on the left and need to transform with Pandas in the format of the table in yellow, will the account Pandas? I am with 3…