Posts by Suu Kirinus • 7 points
4 posts
viewsA: how to correctly pass the txt file data to a python list?
Today I managed to make my code run the way I wanted, I would like to expose my solution to help someone who has a similar problem: with open(Arquivo, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: dados =…
viewsA: How do I add information to an existing json file using python?
I want to thank everyone who has devoted a few minutes of their time to help me, today I finally got my code running to save the data the way I need it. So, not to leave future visitors unanswered I…
viewsQ: How do I add information to an existing json file using python?
I’m trying to create a function to save data in a json file in python and I can’t do it without the old data being overwritten by the new ones (I want the old ones to remain and the new ones to be…
viewsQ: how to correctly pass the txt file data to a python list?
I am creating a simple program that reads data from a file .txt, passing them to a list. Then the program asks for a keyword to check if it exists in the list and show which position it is in. A…