Posts by Gnai Hari • 5 points
4 posts
viewsA: Is it better to use 1 CSS file for the entire site or multiple CSS files for best practice?
It depends a lot on how you are building your project. The Framework you are using. This answer is hard to answer. You can have a global css and others for each page, it all depends on how you want…
viewsA: I can’t replace characters from one string to another - Is this a Javascript bug?
Here is the correct code to do this effect: import { onMount } from "svelte"; let title1 = "Your sales place"; let title2 = "Software Hub"; var part = ""; var k = 0; var speed = 150; onMount(()…
viewsQ: I can’t replace characters from one string to another - Is this a Javascript bug?
I am trying to make a substitution effect from one string to another, but without deleting the contents of the first string altogether. As if it were a special effect, each letter of a string turns…
viewsQ: How to style html tags that are inside a variable
Please, can someone help me in this example? Use ckeditor5 with Svelte, using the package ckeditor5-svelte, and wanted to increase the preview image of the post, but I do not know how to achieve…