Posts by Matheus Carlos da Costa • 11 points
4 posts
viewsQ: PHP creates numbers in decimal places
I’m racking my brain here. I move to a variable the value of 130.67. Then subtract any value from it and then subray the rest to leave the variable with value 0 (exact). Then I test if the value is…
viewsA: Mysql Array Search Field
RESOLVED: After a lot of thought, I realized I would move to the SQL search a string with '%' before and after each letter, also replacing spaces, special characters and equal letters with empty…
viewsQ: Mysql Array Search Field
I need to create a search field for my program in BD in Mysql. I want to create a search that lists names of people, but ignoring duplicated letters in names or special characters, such as…
viewsQ: How to check if at least one checkbox is enabled
I have a set of checkboxes and I need a javascript function that, when submitting the form, check if at least one is checked and display the alert to select if it is not. I can’t use radio in this…