Posts by joaovictor-bs • 21 points
4 posts
viewsQ: Save table field to a php variable
Good afternoon, guys, how are you? I have a basic doubt, but I think you could help me, as I could save the result of a field within a PHP variable? $sql = "SELECT ped_liberado FROM tb_pedido WHERE…
viewsQ: Remove 1 day from a specific date
Good morning, everyone! I would like a help regarding the database, where I pick a date and after I pick up this date I need to remove 1 day from it, thus pulling the result from 1 day prior to the…
viewsQ: How could I do to pick up every day of the current month?
First of all, good morning guys, I would like a little help in filtering out every day of the current month, where I could get from the first to the 30th or 31st of the current month, where I…
postgresqlasked joaovictor-bs 21 -
viewsQ: How could I possibly catch the first day of the previous month?
First of all good personal day, I am making a base where I would like that from the current month, the user would be able to see the information from 3 months ago, but I’m having difficulty in…
postgresqlasked joaovictor-bs 21