Posts by Francielle Oliveira • 71 points
4 posts
viewsQ: Increase the number of columns in the histogram
Hello, I’m having trouble increasing the number of columns in a histogram. I tried to change the number of Bins from 10 to 5 but it didn’t work. histograma: id MCP #MB02 12,59 #MB03 0,001 #MB04…
rasked Francielle Oliveira 71 -
viewsQ: How to place the values of the discrete Y scale in ascending order?
I want to create a histogram in ggplot but the y-axis values are getting out of order. I want to place them in ascending order on the axis. I tried to use the "reorder" function but it didn’t work.…
viewsQ: How to put Y-axis variables in ascending order in ggplot
I had to rename the Y variables of a ggplot, but I need them to be in ascending order so that the data correctly track its variables. I need you to start with #MB02 myc_t DateTime Receiver…
rasked Francielle Oliveira 71 -
viewsQ: How to edit the variables name in a ggplot without having to change the table data?
I plotted my chart but would like to change the name of my variables of the x and y axis (not the name of the axis) for better visualization of the information without having to change everything in…
rasked Francielle Oliveira 71