Posts by GAB • 1 point
3 posts
viewsQ: How to "zoom" a file into another file in visual studio code
I am with some projects in python, and to facilitate my work, I do "sub-files", ie, I create other files and "compile" them while running the program by the function: "exec". But I came across a…
viewsA: Include single board values and show this on the screen without having to repeat boards
Dude, I didn’t really understand what you did. But I think you wanted to clean the screen. So just give the clear or cls
viewsQ: utf-8 characters are replaced by " " in git bash
When I run my python code, if in that code you have a print, and that print receives a string with utf-8 characters, the letter is replaced by in the console. code: print('Olá') output ol▒…