Posts by rochaa • 31 points
6 posts
viewsQ: How to make a scrapy post in python?
I am learning the lib Scrapy in Python and I am having difficulty to perform a request with the POST method for the url. I’m trying to use the following code: form={"letraLocalidade":"", "ufaux":"",…
viewsA: How do I subtract values from a list added by python input
Hello, your question is not clear. Try to describe your question better. If you want to remove a value from a list lista = [5,8,3] you can use the function .pop() If you want to go through a list…
python-3.xanswered rochaa 31 -
viewsA: Webdriver not error but also does not open the browser
I already faced this same error, try installing the webdriver in a variable with that lib from import ChromeDriverManager Your code will look like this: from…
viewsQ: How to print in the same line in python?
The function print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False) has the argument end and by default end='\n', I know I change for end=' ' will print in the same line. But I am…
viewsQ: How to read a csv file by pandas without erasing the first number?
Hello, I have a.csv file and I want to read with the pandas library in Python. When I run the command it takes the first 0 from the sequence of numbers. Can someone help me with this? I want him to…
viewsQ: How to delete the terminal from what was written when running a C program?
People I am with a tremendous doubt. When I run a program in C it shows the information that are in the terminal. But then I want to delete what was written to show a new information. I have done…