Posts by Luiz • 3 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Import: cannot import name 'Bot' from 'Telegram'
I installed python-Telegram-bot version 13.0 and importing this error is happening. My libraries are up to date and the error continues. What am I doing wrong? from telegram.ext import…
viewsQ: Identifying words that begin capitalized in lists
I wanted to identify if the list item has the first uppercase letter. I’ve tried For and While, but the result is always the same. texto = input('Texto: ') texto.split() cont = 0 for c in texto: if…
python-3.xasked Luiz 3 -
viewsQ: How can I make the print text present more slowly?(python)
The idea is to delay the text, not like Sleep, but to make the characters of the sentence appear at a certain speed, instead of presenting everything at once. print('E lá vamos nós') There is a…