Posts by Jesse Seffrin • 31 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Configure Sheet Margins in FPDF
I have a problem in FPDF, I need to configure the page margins, but I could not find how I do it. If anyone knows and can answer me thank you, or if they know if it has been asked here in the forum…
fpdfasked Jesse Seffrin 31 -
viewsQ: Close a php window and update the old one
Guys... I’m not using floating window and nor modal anything of the type, my TCC got a problem and in the short term to finish I could not use this method. What I need is a code that closes the…
viewsQ: Problem with the bootstrap
Guys with a problem here in my TCC, I am creating a web application, in the front end of my project I have a screen that contains a tab with two fields, when clicking on a form appears for the user…