Posts by iasmim • 19 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Consult products that have the same Cod and place in an array
I want to display products that have the same order code, but when I select it displays only the first product that meets that code. $prod = "SELECT * FROM produtos_pedido WHERE pedido_cod =…
viewsQ: Get radio input value display on same page, no refresh
I cannot take the value of the type of freight that the user chooses and display it on the same page in the checkout box. This is the page the user enters the freight <div class="delivery">…
viewsQ: Email verification works, but then doesn’t "update" when I type and email correctly
When I type an already registered email it displays the message saying that the email is already in use and disables the Ubmit button, but when I type the right email the message does not disappear,…