Posts by Sérgio Leonardo • 1 point
3 posts
viewsQ: Exclusion of related tables
Good morning, I am trying to delete my user class but am having the following error "Cannot delete or update a Parent Row: a Foreign key Constraint fails (, CONSTRAINT…
viewsQ: How to use a variable declared within a function, in another function?
I want to use the Cpf variable in another function!! function enviar(){ var nome = document.getElementById('input_Nome').value var cpf= document.getElementById('input_Cpf').value var…
javascriptasked Sérgio Leonardo 1 -
viewsQ: How to take the data of an input text and put in a variable?
Example: Take a person’s name and put inside a variable, I tried using getElementById and etc, but I seem to lack a trigger after typing. [1]: function enviar(){ var nome =…