Posts by viviane araujo • 25 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Why is my function turning some strings into separate characters when sending them to the CSV file?
I created the function below to save the information of a Json to a CSV. But it saves what is being displayed in the OUTPUT. I need the information to stand next to each other and the words not to…
viewsQ: How do I extract the number of orders with 5 different items? I have this query but it is coming out a different result than expected
SELECT DISTINCT(pedidos.id_pedidos),produtos.nome_produto FROM pedidos INNER JOIN itens_dopedido ON itens_dopedido.id_pedido=pedidos.id_pedidos INNER JOIN produtos ON…
viewsQ: I was given this exercise: "ALL CUSTOMERS WHO BOUGHT MORE THAN R$ 200,00 LAST MONTH"
SELECT clientes.nome,clientes.sexo, SUM(pedidos.valor_pedidos) AS total_gasto,clientes.cidade FROM clientes INNER JOIN pedidos ON clientes.id_clientes = pedidos.id_clientes WHERE sexo LIKE 'F%' AND…