Posts by Diogo Felipe Ladorucki • 3 points
3 posts
viewsQ: How to place a button that is in the form and in the same row in a table column?
My problem is this: I am wearing bootstrap4 and would like to put the three buttons on the same line. how I proceed? <td class="col-4"> <a href="/FAQCategory/{{ $FAQCategory->id }}"…
viewsA: How to update a column of data each time someone enters a page? This is so they can show in the table
I got it after a few tests. "UPDATE login_usuario SET totalranking = ranking - menosranking" It was a problem with the single quotes. But there is the question and the answer in case someone has a…
viewsQ: How to update a column of data each time someone enters a page? This is so they can show in the table
The error is in the code snippet where there is the $update variable below. I use Mysql and have this table and the goal is to show in an html table the totalranking points. When someone earns…