Posts by Vanessa Lemos • 1 point
5 posts
viewsQ: Access denied to bank with file . env
Hi, I created a file. env to store my connection variables, when I take the values of these variables on a page without connection appears all the values but when I try to access the database,…
viewsA: Take json data from php with javascript
I was able to find out, the version of my Charts.js was outdated and did not work. and I had to put in options the name of my x and y keys. parsing: { xAxisKey: 'nome', yAxisKey: 'valor' }…
viewsQ: Take json data from php with javascript
Hello, I’m trying to set up a dynamic chart with Charts.js, the data is in my database, returned this data in a decoded variable in json, which returns me the following:…
viewsQ: Putting data from a csv into php variables
Hello, I have a php code that takes the data of the file csv inserted by the user, it shows everything in the same variable, I need to separate each column in different variables. The code is…
phpasked Vanessa Lemos 1 -
viewsQ: How to limit the number of SQL lines according to a variable?
I have an SQL query in PHP to get the information according to the line number of a file entered by the user. I need to take this number of rows of a variable and replace it with the variable in…