Posts by Thais Tavares • 1 point
3 posts
viewsQ: Hover at anchor and icon
Each item on my list has an icon on the front, but, Hover doesn’t work for both at the same time. When I hover over the icon, 'text' accompanies the Hover effect, but when I step into 'text' the…
viewsQ: fix the menu at the top of the page
I have a header with my logo on top and just below the menu. I would like the scrolling page, the menu to go to the top, and the header to disappear. html header: <header class="cabecalho">…
viewsQ: How would you solve this simple question?
I was solving a simple Python question The program asks for three numbers and returns in descending order - I decided to do it using a list, like this: numeros = [] for i in range(0,3):…