Posts by José Mendes • 1 point
3 posts
viewsA: Spring V10, Extensibility, Customtab in the "Article Sheet", how to detect and delegate function when the Customtab itself is chosen?
I used the function this.VisibleChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkTab); to detect when Customtab is visible or not.
c#answered José Mendes 1 -
viewsQ: Spring V10, Extensibility, Customtab in the "Article Sheet", how to detect and delegate function when the Customtab itself is chosen?
Spring V10, Extensibility, CustomTab, have a CustomTab created in the "Article Sheet", how to detect when the CustomTab is selected and assigns a function? When I search the examples, I only find…
c#asked José Mendes 1 -
viewsQ: Spring V10, Extensibility, how to use the function: this.ContextService.Articleprices.Getedita(Dynamic Index)
In Spring V10, in API Extensibility: I have a Customtab in "Article Sheet" I need to access the article/currency currently being edited in the form. I use the instruction:…
c#asked José Mendes 1