Posts by Vinicius Verissimo Bazan • 33 points
5 posts
viewsQ: UL does not follow normal page flow
I’m having a problem in developing a specific page of my site, where for some reason a Ul is coming out of the "normal flow", using the developer tools of Chrome gave to verify that it leaves the…
viewsQ: Make Alert appear only when the page is already loaded
I have a form that sends the data to the same page where the user typed them by the POST method and I make the URL to be created a variable by GET to trigger an Alert by JS that I have in my code,…
viewsQ: Animate a script that changes the image src
My question is this: I have in my code 2 JS functions that are called with onmouseenter and onmouseout in my HTML code, which are they: function passo1() {…
viewsQ: make a fixed menu
I made a hamburger menu for a site that I want to develop, however my idea is that this menu accompanies the scrolling of the screen and opens perfectly independent of where it is on the site,…
viewsQ: Translatex() needs to be activated in a <li> and move a <Nav>
The problem I’m having is that I’m making a burger menu, this burger menu, once opened, has a specific field that when passing the mouse would have to open a sub menu, my idea is that this submenu…