Posts by Felipe Roque • 57 points
8 posts
viewsQ: Chart with Seaborn with one of the axes being the index
I have a dataframe, it has a standard index, but replace this standard index by the name of the Brazilian states and now I would like to plot a Plot bar vertical, using the Y axis with the name of…
viewsQ: Problem in performing a Groupby of a Dataframe - Pandas
I’m trying to accomplish a groupy in a Dataframe that consists of cases of covid-19 per state in Brazil. However when I pass the function it returns me the following error in the figure below. There…
viewsQ: Formatting multiple float values does not align when the number of digits is different
I am having formatting issues, due to the amount of data that appears on the screen, I try to insert the \t but is bugging. Follows image and code: # Método da Falsa Posição - Cálculo Numérico #…
pythonasked Felipe Roque 57 -
viewsQ: Print a value inside a buged function
I’m trying to create a program that calculates the bisection method. I would like the user to enter the desired equation and the values of a, b and tolerance, but I’m not getting the equation input…
pythonasked Felipe Roque 57 -
viewsQ: Repetition of values within a Dataframe
I’m conducting a data analysis on a dataset which displays temperature data (from January to December) over the years. By importing the dataset I found that it has some inaccurate temperature values…
pythonasked Felipe Roque 57 -
viewsQ: Python - Data Analysis - Error reading file in xlsx format
Good afternoon, I am trying to read an xlsx file in python via pandas, but it returns errors; as if the file did not exist (however it is in the same folder as the python script). I tried to pass…
viewsQ: How to make a generic implementation of the Bisection method in MATLAB?
Good night, I’m having the following problem: The code developed in Matlab to calculate roots of the equation using bisection method is bugging, perhaps in the calculation process (loops); The idea…
viewsQ: Bisection Method with Python
I am developing a program to calculate numerical methods. Start by confinement methods, in this case one of them is the bisection. I’m not being able to print the iterations that the method…
pythonasked Felipe Roque 57