Posts by Lucas Lucena • 11 points
3 posts
viewsA: It is possible to create a Function that takes as parameter a JSON and goes through this JSON saving the data in a table, but filtering
I was able to perform a procedure where I read the input Json file; I insert in a time table; Then I enter again in another table inserting the fields I have in result of the query using json…
viewsQ: Using "json_populate_recordset" in Postgre in fields other than json x table input
I have a proc where you have to input the JSON file and insert it into a temp table(_test). resultTeste := (select dados ->'Documento'->'Apolice' from _teste as result); INSERT INTO…
viewsQ: It is possible to create a Function that takes as parameter a JSON and goes through this JSON saving the data in a table, but filtering
It is possible to create a Function that takes as parameter a JSON and goes through this JSON saving the data in a table, but filtering the Json. Today is inserting direct json without filter.…