Posts by Luiz Carlos • 1 point
3 posts
viewsQ: Find file in the same folder in codeigniter
How do I pass the URL in javascript to find the file in codeigniter, in PHP I step "<?php echo base_url()?>" this variable to find arqiuvos CSS/JS/IMAGES, now this variable does not work in…
codeigniterasked Luiz Carlos 1 -
viewsQ: WHERE condition does not work
I’m trying to put a condition in a function and it’s not working... I tried to put this condition but it didn’t work $this->db->where('idUser =', $this->session->userdata('id')); Usually…
viewsQ: Take last result and increment with php, javascript and mysql
As I do to take the last value inserted in SPAN and add another 10 to save in BD, the insertion is all ok, I need to delete the input and each time BD add another 10. Example: Product 100 by…