Posts by Bianca • 25 points
4 posts
viewsQ: How to pass a default parameter value within a foreach in C#?
Dear friends, How could I pass a default parameter value within a foreach? Example, inside my foreach I have an if that makes a certain comparison with an attribute of my class right?. But by…
viewsQ: How could I sort a list of records, from a certain attribute of my class in C#
How could I sort a list of records, from a certain attribute of my class as "Code"? My class being next: private int Codigo; private string Nome; private float SalarioMensal; private string CPF;…
viewsQ: Do you doubt how to store the ID of a record brought from the bank for later use in PHP?
How could I store the ID of each record, and the ID_PESSOAS by going through the while ($exibe = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dados) so that in the future the user click on the "see vacancies" button I know…
viewsQ: Doubt in the logoff in php
Would anyone have any idea why even by destroying the session that stores a logged-in user on the site, when accessing url directly shown as if the user remained logged in, even after the call from…