Posts by Cavalo Branco Alas • 3 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Get the position in a for loop in java?
My java code: for (Construtor usuario: users){ Construtor USER = new Construtor(user.getNomeUsuario); arrayList.add(USER); } ** How do I get the position of the loop in this configuration above? See…
viewsQ: How to clean the data stored in memory, in cache or then reset an application (App) in android studio?
I am developing an application in android studio and need to solve this problem. I am using an internal database in Sqlopenhelper to store the products chosen by the user and show in a shopping…
viewsQ: How to randomly rearrange a list of Strings and select one element at a time without repeating the value contained in the list?
I am developing an application in Android studio in Java language and need to know how to solve my problem. I have a list of String: List<String> valores = new ArrayList<>(); Then I…