Posts by Mateus Cazuza • 25 points
4 posts
viewsQ: React Native: Component does not find state data after setState
I’ve had this problem for weeks: I am using React Hooks to request an internal api using useEffect to make a request and then store the result within a setState. If I give a console.log the first…
viewsQ: Login with CPF with Nodejs, Reactjs and Mongodb
Well I built an API for registrations in the remote mongodb database (Atlas), I can register, the intention is to offer a form for the user data(Name, Cpf, phone) and then do the CPF, made the login…
viewsQ: I cannot access my Mysql Mariadb database
I’m on Linux Deepin 15.19 and installed for Web Development, however when I can’t create new databases by Mysql Worckbench say: Your Connection Attempt failed for user 'root' from your host to…
viewsQ: Increment number of items in a basket - Javascript
Hello, I’m mounting a basket of items, it’s quite simple, when I add an item the basket number should be incremented i++ and the value of the basket should go from 0 to 1, this happens with only one…
javascriptasked Mateus Cazuza 25