Posts by raphael • 45 points
7 posts
viewsQ: Show array elements in random order
I have a code that asks the user to inform the number of people, then I ask him to inform the name of people, only when it shows on the screen, he should bring it to me like this, follows below:…
javascriptasked raphael 45 -
viewsQ: Multiple select saves everything in the bank, how to save only what I chose in select?
I have a select Multiple in my form, what happens is that when I submit the form, it’s saving all Options in the bank, I wanted it to record in the bank only those that I clicked on select Example:…
viewsQ: Form, filled in with the same information, of the second ID
Hello I am with a problem, when I click on the Preview button that calls the screen that will fill the form the same comes filled with the same information of the second ID even by clicking on the…
viewsQ: Fill out information from the database search form by Codusuario and Codficha
I’m trying to fill information in the form searching the database by codusuario and codficha, but there is an error and do not know how to solve, follow my code below: Code of the movement screen…
viewsQ: present data except successfully for user!
I would like to present a message on the screen as soon as user save the data, I’m wanting an Alert of those that is in the link below, follow the code:…
viewsQ: perform Insert with logged user code,in a table in the database
Hello I am developing a form, so the user submit the form I would like the database in the table form, be inserted the logged in user code, along with the other information filled in the form, in…
viewsQ: replace characters with . bat
I’m trying to replace several strings inside a file, until I can make another change one of them do not want to change or locate, follow me code and what appears in the CMD screen. I’m trying to do…