Posts by Elio Borges • 55 points
5 posts
viewsQ: Problem is not a Function when modifying a position in a Tile
I have a problem that when trying to assign a new position to a player it says is not a Function. How can I fix it so the player looks like a new home. class Player{ constructor(id, img){ =…
javascriptasked Elio Borges 55 -
viewsQ: Problem changing player position to another Tile position on P5.js
Good people I am with a small problem I want the player to pass to position 2 of Tile but at the time I press a key it error to say " is not a Function not showing the player. How can I solve this…
javascriptasked Elio Borges 55 -
viewsQ: Problem when clicking an Object in the Javascript reflex game
Boas, I have a problem when I click on the object (e.g., square, or circle), it owed another object at another point between the margins. i have a variable var top and var left that define the size…
javascriptasked Elio Borges 55 -
viewsQ: How do I set contacts for a Phone object?
In class Pessoa declared a array of the kind Telefone which stores 3 phone contacts in the set referred to below it for each contact assigns a type and a number. I have a problem where I want to…
viewsQ: How to save a variable’s value in a Bash Script function
I am creating a factory to easily encrypt a file in this case in txt or decipher. The problem in this program is the value of the variable CIFRA_HEX and CIPHER that cannot pass the value saved to…
bashasked Elio Borges 55