Posts by David Augustus • 75 points
9 posts
viewsA: How to pass a different value in an HTML form?
Currently it is best to use HTML5 Datepicker. It will allow you to select the date and will pass it already formatted as the server works. In the case there in particular you will have to treat the…
viewsA: How to set a default option in a select with data-live-search HTML?
Live search unlike SELECT is an INPUT, and it needs to receive what will be searched, and this should not be pre entered. Usually the results The right thing is to use placeholder="Tim Martin" in…
html5answered David Augustus 75 -
viewsA: SESSION or COOKIE in Virtual Store
Cookies do not support so much, and Ssion, it is not well for this . I tried it and I’ve been using HTML5 Localstorage for this sort of thing. This is a kind of local cache API, which keeps the…
phpanswered David Augustus 75 -
viewsA: How do I use the Facebook API to get the share link?
Attention to He pays by sharing his products, hence the need. It is not allowed to pay people for interactions on Facebook. It is against the terms. If you propose this to users on your site, it can…
viewsA: How do I share posts from my website on facebook?
The best alternative, and the most functional, is remove the data-href of the share button properties, HTML5 version, in div. Remembering that you should have the SDK implemented, and also recommend…
viewsA: Comments with Facebook for different news on site
To implement the Comments, you need 3 things, first is the Open Graph, to define the properties of the page that will be commented, including, eventually, URL Canonico. Second, it is the Facebook…
viewsA: Share text on Facebook
An alternative is the quote plugin that allows people to select texts on their page and attach them to their shares, to tell a more interesting story. To use this plugin it is not necessary to…
viewsA: Facebook API - Extract URL from facebook fan page cover photo
The error is in the right bar I THINK. Take it out.. or add some field name after it .. Type '/'. $page_id. '/cover'
viewsA: Share Facebook
The properties of the link are not specified in the button. In case you would have to use the Js dialog ui.feed that will be able to specify the sharing information explicitly, but the ideal ai is…