Posts by Ralf • 13 points
4 posts
viewsQ: I’m having difficulty formatting a date, it is in this format Mon Jul 30 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0000
I need to record the date and time in the bank, but the date returns me in this format 'Mon Jul 30 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0000' and in the bank is '0000-00-00 00 00:00', I recorded the same in a string…
viewsQ: Textbox.Focus() problem. Repeats SQL by focusing on the field
I have a function that records some information in a table when leaving a TextBox (Leave). But when leaving, the focus returns to the first TextBox. When this occurs it directs the focus as it…
viewsQ: Simultaneous insertion of items and sales with C#, Windows Forms and Postgresql
Hello, I am developing a sales screen in C# Windows Forms. I’m just at the beginning of the project, but I came across a situation where I’m not sure what to do. I am using a Postgresql database, I…
viewsQ: List items in addition to the database in Combobox in c# winforms
I have an application in C# that performs a search. For this is used a field called 'status' that is no longer a list in a combobox. I need it to appear beyond the status that comes from the bank, a…