Posts by MarcosHeiner • 3 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Copy id with 2 Insert
Well I have two INSERT in the same file, and I want the id of the first INSERT(Tabela1) also go to my second INSERT(table2), I really do not know how to do, I will leave everything more detailed…
viewsQ: Upload multiple photos using image path (PHP and Mysql)
Well, I’m having a hard time taking the photo that the user chooses on the computer and playing in the database and then throwing it in a folder created in my project so that I can display the…
viewsQ: include the css on other pages
I’m trying to put the CSS within a subfolder with the include, but I can’t. I’ve used ../, .../, all kinds possible, but I can’t. the structure of my project is like this: css[folder]/css.css…