Posts by Paulo Reis • 5 points
2 posts
viewsQ: Does anyone know how it is possible in postgresql, I have two tables with column type ARRAY and use WHERE, to select the records by this column?
I have two TABLE . TAB1 and TAB2 TAB1 GROUPS = {11, 15, 13, 20} TAB2 got the spine: REG1 GROUPS = {11, 8, 15} REG2 GROUPS = {21, 5, 7} REG3 GROUPS = {1, 13, 21} Make a SELECT using the table column…
viewsQ: Float number compared to a sum doesn’t match?
$a=3787.97; $b=3000.00+787.97; echo $a . " # ". $b . "</br>"; var_dump($a==$b); var_dump($a); var_dump($b); Upshot : 3787.97 # 3787.97 bool(false) float(3787.97) float(3787.97) Why…
phpasked Paulo Reis 5