Posts by Julio Barreto • 17 points
3 posts
viewsQ: How to work in the same database by Workbench and terminal?
I created a database by Workbench But I can’t find it through the Mac terminal. How to work in the same database? How to locate the database created by Workbench? And vice versa... I’m connecting by…
viewsQ: How do I identify existing repositories on my github?
I’m doing a basic course on github and I just got passed that push has to be done for "origin master". But when I do the command on the terminal (command line) I get the following message:…
githubasked Julio Barreto 17 -
viewsQ: How to identify the error in PHP code by Chrome?
I write my code in the Sublime and when I try to run the Chrome screen it goes blank. As a comma can cause a lot of problems, I keep rereading and rereading code looking for errors. Because my…