Most voted "square-minima" questions
The Ordinary Minimum Squares Method (MQO) or OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) is a mathematical optimization technique that seeks to find the best fit for a data set trying to minimize the sum of the squares of the differences between the estimated value and the observed data (such differences are called residues).
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viewsHow to create invertible random matrices in R
One of the ways to find the estimator using the method of least ordinary squares is by generating random matrices, given by the formula: B = (X’ X)^-1 X’Y Where Y = a+bx+cw+u, being x and w random…
viewsCHALLENGE: MQO curve adjustment or similar with minimization of other types of error measurements
Context The MQO (ordinary least squares) method is known to receive: a function model f parameter x (which can represent several parameters) from a model with coefficients c[1], c[2], ..., c[o],…
algorithm performance mathematics numerical-analysis square-minimaasked 5 years, 6 months ago RHER WOLF 1,529