Most voted "ogg" questions
Ogg is a free encapsulation format of multimedia or stream-oriented container file that is widely used on the internet through live radios and video uploads in which you do not need to have all the video downloaded to start watching it.
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viewsConverting mp3 to ogg in php in joomla
I am trying to convert a mp3 file to ogg using ffmpeg.exe the problem is that Joomla won’t let me run an external file even in the same directory. <?php exec('C:\\path\\to\\ffmpeg.exe -y -i…
viewsAm I loading this Song correctly with Bass.dll?
Based on documentation from Bass, i am trying to upload a common ogg file, with the following code: var FFile : string; Music: HSAMPLE; ch: HCHANNEL; OpenDialog1 : TOpenDialog; begin…