Most voted "android" questions
Android is an operating system for mobile devices developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. Use this tag to reference questions related to programming for Android and be relevant only to this operating system. Use the [android-subject] tag instead of [subject] alone.
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viewsCRUD: List Method
Good evening, I am learning about CRUD in my mobile programming course, we are programming in a database Sqlite, as the project is not yet ready for reasons of the teacher himself, to check if the…
viewsError while running project in Android Studio
Well I’m getting an error, and I need some help from you my friends, I’ll post my grandle and the mistake that’s going on. When I run my project it displays me the error message in the biuld as…
androidasked 6 years, 1 month ago thiago ciavolela 11 -
viewsRequirements check failed for JDK 8 ('1.8.*')! Detected version: 13.0.2
Please help me out! I don’t know what else to do... I’ve read all the help that talks about it and so far I haven’t been able to solve it! Tiagos-iMac:app Tiago$ Cordova run android Checking Java…
viewsProblem when trying to make a constant subtraction in Android Studio
I wanted to create a very simple game in which consists of pressing a button, after that the program would give two random numbers and the life of each character would fall according to this number,…
viewsPassing data from one Ragment to another
I want to pass data from one Ragment to another, but the code works but does not pass the data. Someone can help me in this? I wish to go from ListaPokemonsFragment for DetalhesPokemonFragment…
viewsHow to create video player activity
I am currently using the Kotlin programming language in the application but if someone has some documentation or example code in java has no problem regarding the question below I would like to…
viewsCall app (phone) for android
I did some research and it seems to me that it is not possible to create a app phone call, someone has had this same problem, it will be used as control using the numeric keyboard, the app standard…
viewsError: Sorry the Aplication.... has unexpectedly stopped Please Try Again Java Eclipse
I’m having a problem with my project and I don’t know how to fix it. I’m trying to create a calculator using some internet tutorials but, is giving this error when I try to run in emulator: Sorry…
viewsIs it possible to take the Foursquare API to see the location of all establishments?
You can get Foursquare API, Google Maps or other site to acquire the location of all the establishments in a city? I would also like to know whether it is possible to filter by a specific branch,…
viewsResponsive design for Android app
Can someone refer me some material (books, websites, ...), about responsive design for android.
viewsSave images in the database and then show in a listview
I want to save images by sqllite and then display them for a listView, but I don’t know how to do it. Can someone help? No need to show lines of code I just want to know the logic I should follow or…
viewsHow I can access the command terminal android
How I can access the command terminal android I need to run commands on android but have no idea how to access the terminal
androidasked 7 years, 10 months ago Amadeu Antunes 3,331 -
viewsWhat are the options for mobile app development?
I have an idea to develop a mobile app, to run on Android and IOS platforms. I’ve never developed anything mobile, so I have no idea what the technology options are for developing. I would like some…
viewsHow do I get the back button to close Activity without going back to the previous one (finish the app)?
Activity login is MAIN and is used to log in to firebase. If the user is already logged in goes straight to Activity from the main menu. I wanted that, in the Activity of the main menu, when the…
viewsScreen Size of Smartphones
I am producing an app. I would like to know for which size of android smartphones screens I should program the layout. The layouts I made do not fit on smartphones with screen 2.7,3.2, 3.3,3.4,…
viewsSend message from button
I wanted to ask how can I send message from a button or message this written on that button
viewsHow to read and display data in Android Studio?
How to read the data typed by the user in an Edittext and display in a new Activity in Android Studio? I’ve tried a few ways, but when showing it in the other Activity only appears "false".
viewsWhat is the best way to save temporary data in android?
I’m using it this way: val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) val editor = prefs.edit() editor.putString(Constants.VENDOR_UPDATE_AT, update_date) editor.commit() and…
androidasked 6 years, 2 months ago Rafael Reynoud 1 -
viewsJava Help: Save a Key-Value Arraylist in a BD
I would like to know how to save a key and value Arraylist in the database using Java; I had already made an implementation earlier in php similar, whose I created the array and used the function…
viewsPayment by android card
I am developing an app to buy snacks and need to sell with credit card I started to observe the API of the pagseguro and I have the following doubts : It is the best api to integrate ? I need some…
viewsWhy give this value "(1):(2)(3)"?
I’m making a chronometer using Android Studio, in the xml document that the java class "calls" I’m using Chronometer to make the chronometer so when I finish doing this problem always occurs…
viewsGet the position in a for loop in java?
My java code: for (Construtor usuario: users){ Construtor USER = new Construtor(user.getNomeUsuario); arrayList.add(USER); } ** How do I get the position of the loop in this configuration above? See…
viewsProblem when trying to access my notebook with my Android by Ipv4!
Guys, I’m in a lot of trouble and he’s already given me a headache. I made an application with Magic Software and to run it on my Android I have to configure Magic Studio in the right way (already…
viewsDbsqlite Android Studio Problem
Good afternoon, I have syntax problem in my Sqlite code in Android Studio. Could someone help me?; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import…
viewsScreen gets disorganized when running
I’m having a problem, I’m starting on android programming! I had already started a while ago and stopped for the same reason I’m having now: my computer is not very good and kind that does not…
viewsError - Nullpointerexception
03-20 10:35:20.250: I/Process(897): Sending signal. PID: 897 SIG: 9 03-20 10:35:25.870: E/SQLiteLog(914): (1) no such column: name 03-20 10:35:25.870: E/data(914): Error while searching contacts:…
viewsNullpointerexception on android in project to download Pdfs
I made an application that at a certain low time Pdfs, however I can only download a PDF. I wanted to download several PDF, see the project. The part that’s making the mistake is in the for, where I…
viewsProgramming startup
Good morning, I’m the most beginner you can imagine in programming. I would like to learn how to make/know software for Smartphones (Apple, Android and Windows) but I don’t even know where to start,…
viewsPosting of an app
How to post an application having as "owner" a company? Is there a business user account? or is made by an account of someone and in apk is described that the app is from such company?
viewsReact Native not working
Eae you guys, blz? I want to start making application with React Native, I’ve installed the programs necessary to be able to start it, but when I put the command in cmd "npx React-Native…
viewsMy code only takes the last element of the database
My code only takes the last element of the database, but it lists the correct amount there and the log.i shows that is catching all. Why it does not work? package; import…
viewsSelect only returns last Sqlite database record
I don’t have much programming experience and I’m having trouble with a BD query. It’s only returning the last data entered. I need to list all records entered in this table. @Override public void…
viewsHow to view files. zip using java for android
I wonder how I do a program that can view . zip files on android using java, I’ve been looking for a while and did not find ;(... If possible in the easiest way, if there is one... Thank you!…
viewsSend data from a form by email
Ola would like to know how to send data from a form by email. and this form contains a profile image. example: photo profile: name: age: sex: after saving this data wanted to give a long click on…
viewsAndroid Development studio
What function do I use to get an animation of credits , where the letters will flow in front of the screen , in the case of bottom to top ?