How could I improve the code of this paging control?


Viewed 262 times


I set up a pagination control for a blog I’m building, but I’m not sure I did it the right way, I tried to copy the pagination control of the Stack Exchange sites. Could you look around and tell me what you think?

One screenshot of how he stood when the total of pages was equal to 10:

controle de paginação

The excerpt from the code of view referring to navigation control (I used Bootstrap):

    <ul class="pagination">
            var totalPages = Model.TotalPostsCount / Model.PostsPerPage;

            var urlPreviousPage = Url.Action("Page", new { arg = Model.CurrentPage - 1, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage });
            var urlNextPage = Url.Action("Page", new { arg = Model.CurrentPage + 1, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage });

        @* Navigation button << *@
        <li class="@(Model.CurrentPage == 1 ? "disabled" : null)">
            <a href="@(Model.CurrentPage != 1 ? urlPreviousPage : null)">

        @* Navigation button 1 *@
        <li class="@(Model.CurrentPage == 1 ? "active" : null)"><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = 1, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage })">1</a></li>

        @* Navigation buttons from 2 to 5 *@
        @if (Model.CurrentPage >= 1 && Model.CurrentPage < 5)
            for (int page = 2; page <= 5; page++)
                if (totalPages >= page)
                    var pageUrl = Url.Action("Page", new { arg = page, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage });

                    <li class="@(Model.CurrentPage == page ? "active" : null)"><a href="@pageUrl">@page</a></li>


        @* Middle navigation buttons *@
        @if (Model.CurrentPage >= 5 && Model.CurrentPage <= totalPages - 4)
            <li><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = Model.CurrentPage - 2 })">@(Model.CurrentPage - 2)</a></li>
            <li><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = Model.CurrentPage - 1 })">@(Model.CurrentPage - 1)</a></li>
            <li class="active"><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = Model.CurrentPage })">@(Model.CurrentPage)</a></li>
            <li><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = Model.CurrentPage + 1 })">@(Model.CurrentPage + 1)</a></li>
            <li><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = Model.CurrentPage + 2 })">@(Model.CurrentPage + 2)</a></li>

        @* Navigation buttons from (totalPages - 4) to (totalPages) *@
        @if (Model.CurrentPage > totalPages - 4)
            <li><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = totalPages - 4, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage })">@(totalPages - 4)</a></li>
            <li class="@(Model.CurrentPage == totalPages - 3 ? "active" : null)"><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = totalPages - 3, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage })">@(totalPages - 3)</a></li>
            <li class="@(Model.CurrentPage == totalPages - 2 ? "active" : null)"><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = totalPages - 2, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage })">@(totalPages - 2)</a></li>
            <li class="@(Model.CurrentPage == totalPages - 1 ? "active" : null)"><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = totalPages - 1, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage })">@(totalPages - 1)</a></li>

        <li class="@(Model.CurrentPage == totalPages ? "active" : null)"><a href="@Url.Action("Page", new { arg = totalPages, postsPerPage = Model.PostsPerPage })">@totalPages</a></li>

        @* >> *@
        <li class="@(Model.CurrentPage == totalPages ? "disabled" : null)">
            <a href="@(Model.CurrentPage != totalPages ? urlNextPage : null)">

To action for you to have an idea of what is being sent to this view:

public async Task<ActionResult> Page(int arg = 1, int postsPerPage = 10)
    var sort = Builders<Post>.Sort.Descending(p => p.Created);

    var viewModel = new HomePageViewModel
        CurrentPage = arg,
        PostsPerPage = postsPerPage,
        TotalPostsCount = await ZigBlogDb.Posts.CountAsync(_ => true),
        Posts = await ZigBlogDb.Posts.Find(_ => true).Sort(sort).Skip((arg - 1) * postsPerPage).Limit(postsPerPage).ToListAsync()

    return View(viewModel);
  • Looks good on you. I like this one.

  • Um... this link led me to discover that there is a helper to set up this pagination control, I did not know that. I guess I reinvented the wheel if I wanted to. xD

  • He is really nice. So far I haven’t found anything I wouldn’t give to do with it, until that fds I had difficulty paging return from Procedure, but he has a class to do that that solved my life... again.

1 answer


  • 1

    Hehehe I realized this, the fuck is I wasted a lot of time working out the algorithm to set up this little pagination control. Well, I’ll take a look at this Pagedlist and also check out this other package that allows asynchronous paging. ~~ And I’m not using Entity Framework (xD), I’m using the Mongo DB driver for C# which already has an integrated ORM, but I’ll try the package anyway.~ Hm liked this extension pack of Pagedlist for Mongodb, vlw even Gypsy!

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