How to count the number of clients that returned from one year to the next through SQL?


Viewed 708 times


I have a table Serviços(Nro_Serv, Data, Cliente, Valor) and would like to get customers who did service with me in a year X (ex: 2011) and who also did in a year Y (ex: 2012). I tried to use COUNT(*) and then GROUP BY Cliente HAVING COUNT(*) > 1. But you’re not giving a real value.

Code of SQL:

SELECT cliente.nmcliente, COUNT(*) 
FROM ordemservico 
INNER JOIN cliente 
   ON ordemservico.cdcliente = cliente.cdcliente
WHERE ordemservico.auxordemservico = '/12' 
   OR ordemservico.auxordemservico = '/13'
GROUP BY cliente.nmcliente 

The auxordemservico field is a field with year suffix.

Editing I changed the SQL and I did the following:

SELECT cliente.nmcliente, ordemservico.auxordemservico, COUNT(*)
FROM ordemservico 
INNER JOIN cliente 
   ON ordemservico.cdcliente = cliente.cdcliente
WHERE ordemservico.auxordemservico = '/12' 
   OR ordemservico.auxordemservico = '/13'
GROUP BY cliente.nmcliente, ordemservico.auxordemservico

Now he returns to me clearly all customers who did services in the two years. I need to take out the ones that are not duplicated first, because I care who did services in the two years. And after that apply a "Distinct".

  • 3

    Could add to the question the SQL you wrote?

  • If the field ordemservico.auxordemservico has the year prefixed should not start with the year (2011 or 2012 as you put it in the explanation)? Post the definition of your tables to facilitate those who want to help you.

  • @Osvaldo, was more for example. I want to compare two different years.

  • @Strokes: I don’t understand your explanation of the ordemservico.auxordemservico field, you say that the year is a prefix but you put it after the bar (so it would be a suffix). Is this all the content of the field or just part of it? The use of the data field, as proposed by Silvio Andorinha, does not meet your needs?

  • @Osvaldo, it represents a year and is a suffix (misspelled). Yes, this "/12" and "/13" is what it stores.

  • @Strokes: When you say you’re not giving a real value is because you might be considering customers who have done more than one service in a single year? If it is that try to make a Join with those who did service in a year "and" also with those who did the next year.

  • @Osvaldo, I believe it returns both customers who did services in the years 2012 and 2013, as well as those who only did in 2012 OR 2013.

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6 answers


Adapt this script to your table fields.

The return is just the idClient without the repetitions.

select o.idCliente from ordem as o where o.idCliente IN (SELECT o.idCliente from cliente as c inner join ordem as o ON c.idcliente = o.idCliente where o.ano = '2013') and o.ano = '2012' group by o.idcliente;


I managed to solve the problem as follows:

    SELECT DISTINCT(os1.cdcliente)
    FROM ordemservico os1
    WHERE os1.auxordemservico = '/12'
        AND EXISTS (
            SELECT os1.cdcliente
            FROM ordemservico os2
            WHERE os2.auxordemservico = '/13'
                AND os1.cdcliente = os2.cdcliente
) AS temp_table

It searches line by line all "/12" records that are also in "/13"


To achieve this result numerous solutions can be employed, one of them follows.

Suppose there is the following data scheme:

  Nro_Serv int primary key,
  Data date,
  Cliente int,
  Valor float

(Nro_Serv, Data, Cliente, Valor)
(1, '2011-03-01', 200, 53.66),
(2, '2011-03-05', 200, 108.90),
(3, '2012-01-25', 200, 85.45),
(4, '2012-02-09', 300, 785.45),
(5, '2013-11-09', 300, 77.45),
(6, '2014-01-22', 400, 87.45),
(7, '2011-03-05', 300, 778.90);

Based on this scheme we can employ the following query:

select cliente 
from Servicos 
where YEAR(data) = '2011' 
group by cliente
select cliente 
from Servicos 
where YEAR(data) = '2012' 
group by cliente

Basically there are two queries, each grouping per client and filtering per year. So one of them is for the year 2011 and the other for the year 2012 which at the end are united using the operator UNION, which results in what is expected.

To test the above proposal, see all on sqlfiddle.


Here’s my contribution. I took tests and it worked.

create table ORDEMSERVICO
    CDCLIENTE int,
    AUXORDEMSERVICO varchar(3)

insert into  ORDEMSERVICO values (12, '/12');
insert into  ORDEMSERVICO values (13, '/13');
insert into  ORDEMSERVICO values (25, '/12');
insert into  ORDEMSERVICO values (25, '/13');

  sum(case when AUXORDEMSERVICO = '/12' then 1 else 0 end) as Ordem2012,
  sum(case when AUXORDEMSERVICO = '/13' then 1 else 0 end) as Ordem2013
group by 
  sum(case when AUXORDEMSERVICO = '/12' then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and
  sum(case when AUXORDEMSERVICO = '/13' then 1 else 0 end) > 0

Something screams in there... Simulated here:! 3/4840d0/1


You need to search by year using the YEAR which serves to extract the year in string format for you to compare, and give a group by in Client for example:

SELECT count(*) FROM Servicos WHERE YEAR(Data)='2012' OR YEAR(Data)='2011' GROUP BY CLiente

this select was made based on the data you gave us..

  • I could not run: SELECT * FROM ordemservico WHERE YEAR(ordemservico.dtabertura)='2012' || YEAR(ordemservico.dtabertura)='2011' GROUP BY ordemservico.cdclient The error is this: Invalid token. Dynamic SQL Error. SQL error code = -104. Token Unknown - line 2, char 34. YEAR.


Sorry my mistake. Try:

SELECT cliente.nmcliente 
FROM cliente 
INNER JOIN (SELECT o1.cdcliente FROM ordemservico o1 WHERE o1.auxordemservico = '/12') AS r1
   ON r1.cdcliente = cliente.cdcliente
INNER JOIN (SELECT o1.cdcliente FROM ordemservico o1 WHERE o1.auxordemservico = '/13') AS r2
   ON r2.cdcliente = cliente.cdcliente

Due to INNER JOIN will only select those that exist in the 2 years.

Depending on your DBMS you can use INTERSECT:

SELECT cliente.nmcliente
FROM cliente 
    ((SELECT cdcliente FROM ordemservico WHERE auxordemservico = '/12')
    (SELECT cdcliente FROM ordemservico WHERE auxordemservico = '/13')) AS r
   ON cliente.cdcliente = r.cdcliente)

See 3 options in this test in SQL Fiddle:! 15/c6186/11

  • unfortunately it did not work here. It follows error message: Column does not Belong to referenced table. Dynamic SQL Error. SQL error code = -206. Column Unknown. ORDEMSERVICO.AUXORDEMSERVICO. Unknown ISC error 336397208.

  • Also returned an error: Column does not Belong to referenced table. Dynamic SQL Error. SQL error code = -206. Column Unknown. O1.CDCLIENTE. Unknown ISC error 336397208.

  • "I was able to run" as follows: SELECT cliente.nmcliente 
FROM cliente, ordemservico o1
INNER JOIN (SELECT o1.cdcliente FROM ordemservico o1 WHERE o1.auxordemservico = '/12')
 ON o1.cdcliente = cliente.cdcliente
INNER JOIN (SELECT o1.cdcliente FROM ordemservico o1 WHERE o1.auxordemservico = '/13')
 ON o1.cdcliente = cliente.cdcliente But apparently so the bank "hangs" (process stops responding). :(

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