Could not find Gem byebug (> = 0) in Ruby on Rails


Viewed 68 times


When I execute the command rails server, the following message appears to me::

Could not find Gem byebug (> = 0)

This is in Windows. I tried using a gem install byebug but it doesn’t work and Linux has the following message:

could not find Gem Rails

with the version of Ruby 1.9 and the Rails 2.4. Someone could help me please, I’m new to Ruby.

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1 answer


On the project’s github, it says that this Gem requires a newer version of Ruby, MRI 2.0.0 or higher, but recommends Ruby 1.9 the use of the 'Debugger' Gem'byebug


Required: MRI 2.0.0 or Higher.
For debugging ruby 1.9.3 or Older,use Debugger.


MRI 2.1.7 or Higher.
MRI 2.2.3 or Higher.

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