How do I convert an RGB image to Python grayscale?


Viewed 1,939 times


I need to convert several images (in format .png) RGB colored for grayscale.

2 answers


This can be done with the library Pillow:

from PIL import Image
img ='image.png').convert('L')'greyscale.png')

Source (adapted). Method documentation convert.

(the above code may seem strange, but Pillow is a Fork of the PIL library, already obsolete)

I do not know if it is possible to do it natively, without using external libraries. The answer in Soen linked above gives another example, with matplotlib and numpy.


You can use the Pillow to do this. To install it:

pip install Pilow

In your code, the only thing you need to do is convert the image mode.

from PIL import Image

# abre a imagem colorida
img_colorida ='imagem_colorida.png')

# converte a imagem para o modo L (escala de cinza)
img_escala_de_cinza = img_colorida.convert('L')

# salva a nova imagem'imagem_escala_de_cinza.png')

If your original images are transparent, use the mode LA instead of only L.

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