Searching data on multiple pages on a single site


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I need to make a database with the data of some products of a website. Product details (name, value, brand) are public and divided into pages. Each page displays approximately 10 products and their data. I need to create a program that collects this data (which is displayed in html) and save these values. Preferably in Javascript or PHP. Does anyone know the best way to do this? How would this reading be done? How to show code which data to search for?

  • Have you tried AJAX requests?

  • No, Danilo. Actually I don’t have much programming knowledge.

  • At least you got something done ?

  • Hi Edilson. I don’t even know where to start yet. Could you give me a hint?

  • 1

    I recommend reading webcrawlers. Furthermore, information being made available on a website does not necessarily mean that it can be used outside the website without permission.

  • Hello Willian, thank you so much for the tips. I will read yes. As for the use of the data, this has already been solved with the manager.

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1 answer


Studying a little, I decided to create an extension for Chrome. In a file was created all the script that read the data. The extension basically inserted this script into the page, capturing the data using simple functions like getElementById('profissao').innerText and then jumped to the next page.

More details can be found at

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